Are you fully being who you truly think you are?

Kat Bazylko
3 min readNov 7, 2020

(Continuation of previous post)

Photo by Melissa Askew on Unsplash

I never really knew what hypnotherapy can offer as I’ve not heard much about this form of therapy in the past. The only time I came across the word hypnosis was mostly to do with entertainment shows. I’ll explain in short, to those who might be wondering how it works, hypnotherapy helps you ‘’rewire’’ your brain of old beliefs that no longer serve you or make you happy. Beliefs and habits that we pick up and take upon ourselves through family, social circle or society influences. Things that sit deep within our subconscious mind that steer our emotions and reactions to life without our conscious understanding. For example, some might question why every relationship they go into ends up being with a person who ‘’needs fixing’’ or is trying to be dominant over you. This is just an example and there is a whole spectrum of things in life which make us question (to ourselves) our decisions including work, career, friends etc.

The point is that we make decisions without conscious understanding. During hypnotherapy whatever you’re going through is addressed, any limiting beliefs are picked up and your subconscious mind is ‘’rewired’’ with new beliefs that actually serve your happiness and best interest. For example, during the sessions you might realize that deep down you don’t feel deserving or worthy of a true, happy relationship, that you’re unworthy of real love. If that was the case you’d work with your therapist to change that belief. In effect you start making different decisions in your life as your actions now are driven by a different belief that says ‘’I am worthy’’.

The reasons why I suffered with anxiety were multiple but ultimately it mostly came down to me not expressing myself fully or letting myself be me, authentically without worry or fear of judgement. I didn’t make decisions in life based on what I actually wanted but on what I thought I should be doing. As it started early in childhood I grew up this way and totally lost myself somewhere on the way to the point of me not being able to figure out who I am, what I really want in life and what makes me truly happy.

Now, I know this is not just me and many people go through life this way, which is why I’m writing about this as I know my words will reach those who need to hear them.

The hypnotherapy has opened the doors for me to a new way of thinking and understandably it didn’t solve all of my problems but it helped me understand what to work on and how to go about my life from now on. Since then I’ve taken different roads and avenues based on how I feel about certain decisions and what my emotions are telling me and I’ve discovered wonderful and magical things about life and my own role in it.

I will write about those in my future entries. For now, I sincerely wish for you too, to find your true self and to live with it in harmony.



Kat Bazylko

Expressing and writing about the complex, confusing and magical aspects of life.